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  1. Giddierone

    Intelligence Estimates of Putin's Health

    What are we to make of the decades of speculation about Vladimir Putin's health as it relates to his actions and motivations? Are the intelligence estimates wrong or misleading? Since the beginning of the Ukraine invasion, there have been various claims made about Putin's health in major news...
  2. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    What might this 1962 video on the National Archives website show? The film is titled, Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Sighting and captioned: The film is 7m 30s and can be watched on the National Archives website. Source: SM-65F Atlas...
  3. Giddierone

    UFO Photo: Project Blue Book #AF632255 (Parachutes?)

    This 28 July 1954 UFO report from the National Archives has recently been updated to include a new version of a photograph of supposed anomolous flying objects. Source: It's noticable that the description of a 1.5-2min observation...
  4. Giddierone

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    What role, if any, might the STS-64 NASA Mission have had in the various reports of strange lights in the sky over Zimbabwe between 14 September and 16th September 1994? The NASA mission ran 9 Sept 1994 - 20 September 1994. During the mission it did ran three experiments that may have been...
  5. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    A motif in some alien close encounter stories is that the figure/s seen have no face or facial features. This was reported in daylight sightings such as Ariel School, Zim, '94 and Port Elizabeth, SA '78 where witnesses drew the shape of figures but with blank faces. Assuming good conditions...
  6. Giddierone

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    I’ve noticed on several videos taken in very low light a small white dot in the frame. I thought it was a stuck pixel but it doesn’t stay in exactly the same place. It’s always generally on the left side of the image but it hops around the frame as I move the camera. At one point I walk past a...
  7. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    Source: [Note: The above is a video summary of this thread. Original first post follows] Notes on today's SCU presentation (the slides/photos are embargoed until 27 Aug 2023 so I'll not post them here): The object was described in the slide title as...
  8. Giddierone

    Greenstreet "Black Triangle" 2003

    Described in the Basement Office Ep. 04 Source: Location: Provo, Utah, U.S. I don’t think he’s given the exact date or time or the estimated size of the object. He shows a photo of his position. It’s here: 40.26411752888172, -111.6611976002238 And an...
  9. Giddierone

    Reverend Gill 26/27 June 1959 UFO / CE3 - a Brocken Spectre-type illusion?

    Was the Reverend Gill UFO / CE3 encounter some kind of Brocken Spectre-type illusion? Source: # Ref: Read the account in Hynek's The UFO Experience (1972). Available here...
  10. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith I think this is an interesting example of how difficult it can be to capture an unusual sight. Last night we were driving north on the M6 (UK). The weather was somewhat foggy, with low cloud, around 10-12 degrees. From around 21:30 both me and my front seat...